Read firsthand accounts of unforgettable encounters, captivating wildlife sightings, and cherished moments at Sausage Tree Safari Camp.
Cheng & Damien - 8/9/23
“Unbelievable, awesome trip, hospitality first class, game drives excellent”
Naomi & Alex - 20/8/23
“Amazing experience, thanks to all the brilliant staff”
Antoine , Max & Olivier - 25/7/23
“ Beautiful accommodation, wonderful and welcoming people, delicious food, coming back!”
Rosie & Paul - 30/6/23
“ This is our 2 nd trip to Sausage Tree and it did not did not disappoint, Thank you for a wonderful experience. Jimmy & Polite were fab.”
David & Sue - 04/05/2023
"Loved, loved , loved the experience , staff, and setting. Thank you “ 7/5/23Layth & Khuram - "Life changing experience! Will def be back someday"
Marion, Christine & Philippe - 01/05/2023
"Amazing Safaris, wonderful place and people + top Chef"
Rod & Jenny - - 16/04/2023
"Amazing staff, Great Sightings, Thank You sooo much"
Sheetal, Vasant & Rhea - 10/04/2023
"Thank you for the most amazing stay and experiences to last a lifetime"
Glenn & Annette - 27/03/2023
"A Beautiful Property. Everyone was wonderful"
Hans & Maya - 12/03/2023
"We we here the 4th time and we are sure more visits will follow"
Di & Craig - 28/02/2023
"We have had an amazing experience. Thanks to everybody, all staff are brilliant. We will be back for sure xx"
Thomas & Anthea - 17/02/2023
"Thank You once again. 2nd incredible experience"
Julie & Jogi - 28/01/2023
"You are absolutely amazing and the best. We love you"
Kalleen & Kerrim - 20/01/2023
"Trip of a lifetime. We could not imagine a better experience. Thank you "
Angela & Jorrit - 04/06/2021
"We had THE most amazing honeymoon with you all. Thank you we will be back"
Ali - 25/02/2021
"Brilliant Sound Safari , a new dimension to the Bushveld experience"
Samantha & Jason - 14/05/2021
"We had such a wonderful time , thank you for being so kind and amazing"
Madison - 12/05/2021
"Best trip ever ! Everyone was really nice"
Deine & Riaan - 04/04/2021
"5 stars ***** will definitely see us again"
Kirsty & John - 06/03/2021
"What an amazing experience. Loved it! Thank you so much"
Janet - 16/01/2021
"Amazing , incredible , everything perfect."
Heather, Paul & Michael - 02/01/2021
“A very special place with very special people! Thank you for a super stay! "
Thiska – 27/12/2020
“Amazing staff, view, food, service, rooms, beds & safari’s ! "
Gerard Bouvet – 27/12/2020
“Absolutely super! "
Tamzin – 14/12/2020
“Best bush experience of all time! Felt very spoilt and privileged to have this experience with such wonderful people!"
Keegan & Bianca – 19/11/2020
“Absolutely amazing experience! Thank you to everyone! We loved it! "
Tiphanie & Lexi – 26/10/2020
“ Incredible time! Thank you Sausage Tree"
Jayne, Lene & Simone- 19/10/2020
“Truly amazing experience, wild dogs the highlight! And such informed staff!! Thank you”
Mike & Angela - 11/10/2020
"Lovely stay, warm & welcoming. Wonderful game drives! We didn't want to leave."
Chris & Diane - 29/09/2020
"What a wonderful place! Sausage Tree to be remembered forever."
Uli & Jurgen - 29/09/2020
"Home away from home! Thanks!"
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Sausage Tree Safari Camp.
Read firsthand accounts of unforgettable encounters, captivating wildlife sightings, and cherished moments at Sausage Tree Safari Camp.
List of Services
Cheng & Damien - 8/9/23
“Unbelievable, awesome trip, hospitality first class, game drives excellent”
Cheng & Damien - 8/9/23
Naomi & Alex - 20/8/23
“Amazing experience, thanks to all the brilliant staff”
Naomi & Alex - 20/8/23
Antoine , Max & Olivier - 25/7/23
“ Beautiful accommodation, wonderful and welcoming people, delicious food, coming back!”
Antoine , Max & Olivier - 25/7/23
Rosie & Paul - 30/6/23
“ This is our 2 nd trip to Sausage Tree and it did not did not disappoint, Thank you for a wonderful experience. Jimmy & Polite were fab.”
Rosie & Paul - 30/6/23
David & Sue - 04/05/2023
"Loved, loved , loved the experience , staff, and setting. Thank you “ 7/5/23Layth & Khuram - "Life changing experience! Will def be back someday"
David & Sue - 04/05/2023
Marion, Christine & Philippe - 01/05/2023
"Amazing Safaris, wonderful place and people + top Chef"
Marion, Christine & Philippe - 01/05/2023
Rod & Jenny - - 16/04/2023
"Amazing staff, Great Sightings, Thank You sooo much"
Rod & Jenny - - 16/04/2023
Sheetal, Vasant & Rhea - 10/04/2023
"Thank you for the most amazing stay and experiences to last a lifetime"
Sheetal, Vasant & Rhea - 10/04/2023
Glenn & Annette - 27/03/2023
"A Beautiful Property. Everyone was wonderful"
Glenn & Annette - 27/03/2023
Hans & Maya - 12/03/2023
"We we here the 4th time and we are sure more visits will follow"
Hans & Maya - 12/03/2023
Di & Craig - 28/02/2023
"We have had an amazing experience. Thanks to everybody, all staff are brilliant. We will be back for sure xx"
Di & Craig - 28/02/2023
Thomas & Anthea - 17/02/2023
"Thank You once again. 2nd incredible experience"
Thomas & Anthea - 17/02/2023
Julie & Jogi - 28/01/2023
"You are absolutely amazing and the best. We love you"
Julie & Jogi - 28/01/2023
Kalleen & Kerrim - 20/01/2023
"Trip of a lifetime. We could not imagine a better experience. Thank you "
Kalleen & Kerrim - 20/01/2023
Angela & Jorrit - 04/06/2021
"We had THE most amazing honeymoon with you all. Thank you we will be back"
Angela & Jorrit - 04/06/2021
Ali - 25/02/2021
"Brilliant Sound Safari , a new dimension to the Bushveld experience"
Ali - 25/02/2021
Samantha & Jason - 14/05/2021
"We had such a wonderful time , thank you for being so kind and amazing"
Samantha & Jason - 14/05/2021
Madison - 12/05/2021
"Best trip ever ! Everyone was really nice"
Madison - 12/05/2021
Deine & Riaan - 04/04/2021
"5 stars ***** will definitely see us again"
Deine & Riaan - 04/04/2021
Kirsty & John - 06/03/2021
"What an amazing experience. Loved it! Thank you so much"
Kirsty & John - 06/03/2021
Janet - 16/01/2021
"Amazing , incredible , everything perfect."
Janet - 16/01/2021
Heather, Paul & Michael - 02/01/2021
“A very special place with very special people! Thank you for a super stay! "
Heather, Paul & Michael - 02/01/2021
Thiska – 27/12/2020
“Amazing staff, view, food, service, rooms, beds & safari’s ! "
Thiska – 27/12/2020
Gerard Bouvet – 27/12/2020
“Absolutely super! "
Gerard Bouvet – 27/12/2020
Tamzin – 14/12/2020
“Best bush experience of all time! Felt very spoilt and privileged to have this experience with such wonderful people!"
Tamzin – 14/12/2020
Keegan & Bianca – 19/11/2020
“Absolutely amazing experience! Thank you to everyone! We loved it! "
Keegan & Bianca – 19/11/2020
Tiphanie & Lexi – 26/10/2020
“ Incredible time! Thank you Sausage Tree"
Tiphanie & Lexi – 26/10/2020
Jayne, Lene & Simone- 19/10/2020
“Truly amazing experience, wild dogs the highlight! And such informed staff!! Thank you”
Jayne, Lene & Simone- 19/10/2020
Mike & Angela - 11/10/2020
"Lovely stay, warm & welcoming. Wonderful game drives! We didn't want to leave."
Mike & Angela - 11/10/2020
Chris & Diane - 29/09/2020
"What a wonderful place! Sausage Tree to be remembered forever."
Chris & Diane - 29/09/2020
Uli & Jurgen - 29/09/2020
"Home away from home! Thanks!"
Uli & Jurgen - 29/09/2020